A general purpose 16 SPDT channel relay board (power supply 24VDC) for switching high-current electrical loads (both AC and DC) siuch as motors, lights, pumps, contactors and more. With this relay board, any logic-level signal from 3V up to 30V can be used to activate a relay (it may be controlled direclty by microcontroller TTL logic as well). It can be used successfully for example with PIC,AVR,ARM microcontroller, Raspberry PI, Arduino outputs and other.
- Power supply requirement – 24VDC;
- Current consumption – 350mA (when all relays are ON);
- 16 SPDT relays RAS-24-15;
- Maximum switching current per single relay channel RAS-24-15 (10A / 250VAC, 15A / 120VAC, 15A / 24VDC);
- Contact type: Normal Opened (NO), Normal Closed (NC);
- Screw terminals for inputs and outputs;
- PCB parameters : FR4 / 1.5mm / two layers / metallized holes / HAL / white stamp / solder mask;
- Extra PCB openings for better voltage isolation;
- Doubled high current tracks;
- Protection diode for each relay;
- Input voltage: 3V – 30V (1.5mA max) must be given to the “In” to switch the relay ON;
- May be controlled directly by TTL;
- Green leds for relay status;
- Red led for power;
- Dimensions: 85mm / 300mm / 20mm;
- Mounting holes diameter: 3mm;
- PCB dimensions – here;
For more detail: 16 Channel relay board for your Arduino or Raspberry PI – 24V