E-Book description:
The world of microcontrollers and increasingly capable and popular small computing platforms is enabling many more people to learn, experience, and complete projects that would previously have required dedicated (and expensive) hardware. Rather than purchase a commercial or made-for-consumers kit, enterprising developers can now build their own solutions to meet their needs. Sensor networks are just one example of how these small, powerful, and inexpensive components have made it possible for anyone with a moderate skill set to build their own sensor network. This book presents a beginner’s guide to sensor networks. I cover topics including what types of sensors exist, how they communicate their values (observations or events), how they can be used in Arduino and Raspberry Pi projects, and how to build your own home temperature sensor network. I also include an introduction to the MySQL database server and how you can connect to, store, and retrieve data. Why, I even show you how to do it directly from an Arduino!
E-Book Author:
Dr. Charles A. Bell
E-Book Table of Contents:
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewer
Chapter 1: Introduction to Sensor Networks
Anatomy of a Sensor Network
Examples of Sensor Networks
The Topology of a Sensor Network
Communication Media
Wired Networks
Wireless Networks
Hybrid Networks
Types of Sensor Nodes
Basic Sensor Nodes
Data Nodes
Aggregator Nodes
How Sensors Measure
Storing Sensor Data
Examples of Sensors
Chapter 2: Tiny Talking Modules: An Introduction to XBee Wireless Modules
What Is an XBee?
XBee Primer
Choosing XBee Modules
Interacting with an XBee-ZB Module
Pin Layout
Configuring Modules
For More Information
An XBee Wireless Chat Room
Loading the Firmware for the Modules
Capturing Serial Numbers
Configuring the Coordinator
Configuring the Router
Let the Chat Begin
For More Fun
Building an XBee-ZB Mesh Network
Loading the Firmware for the Modules
Configuring the XBee Modules
Forming Test Messages
Testing the Network
For More Fun
Component Shopping List
Troubleshooting Tips and Common Issues
Things to Check
Common Issues
Chapter 3: Arduino-Based Sensor Nodes
What Is an Arduino?
Arduino Models
Arduino Clones
So, Which Do I Buy?
Where to Buy
Arduino Tutorial
Learning Resources
The Arduino IDE
Project: Hardware “Hello, World!”
Hosting Sensors with Arduino
Project: Building an Arduino Temperature Sensor
Hardware Setup
Software Setup
Writing the Sketch
Test Execution
Project: Using an Arduino as a Data Collector for XBee Sensor Nodes
XBee Sensor Node
Arduino with XBee Shield
Testing the Final Project
For More Fun
Component Shopping List
Chapter 4: Raspberry Pi-based Sensor Nodes
What Is a Raspberry Pi?
Noble Origins
A Tour of the Board
Required Accessories
Recommended Accessories
Where to Buy
Raspberry Pi Tutorial
Getting Started
Installing a Boot Image
Booting Up
GPIO Pin Mapping
Required Software
Project: Hardware “Hello, World!”
Hosting Sensors with Raspberry Pi
Project: Building a Raspberry Temperature Sensor Node
Hardware Setup
Testing the Hardware
Software Setup
Testing the Sensor
For More Fun
Project: Building a Raspberry Barometric Pressure Sensor Node
Hardware Setup
Testing the Hardware
Software Setup
Testing the Sensor
For More Fun
Project: Creating a Raspberry Pi Data Collector for XBee Sensor Nodes
XBee Sensor Node
Testing the Final Project
For More Fun
Component Shopping List
Chapter 5: Where to Put It All: Storing Sensor Data
Storage Methods
Local Storage Options for the Arduino
Nonvolatile Memory
SD Card
Project: Saving Data in Nonvolatile Memory
Project: Writing Data to an SD Card
Local Storage Options for the Raspberry Pi
Project: Writing Data to Files
Remote Storage Options
Storing Data in the Cloud
Storing Sensor Data in a Database
Component Shopping List
Chapter 6: Turning Your Raspberry Pi into a Database Server
What Is MySQL?
Getting Started with MySQL
How and Where MySQL Stores Data
The MySQL Configuration File
How to Start, Stop, and Restart MySQL
Creating Users and Granting Access
MySQL and Python—MySQL Utilities
Building a Raspberry Pi MySQL Server
Partitioning and Formatting the Drive
Setting Up Automatic Drive Mounting
Project: Installing MySQL Server on a Raspberry Pi
Advanced Project: Using MySQL Replication to Back Up Your Sensor Data
Component Shopping List
Chapter 7: MySQL and Arduino: United at Last!
Introducing Connector/Arduino
Hardware Requirements
What About Memory?
How to Get MySQL Connector/Arduino
Building Connector/Arduino-Enabled Sketches
Database Setup
Setting Up the Arduino
Starting a New Sketch
Testing the Sketch
Troubleshooting Connector/Arduino
MySQL Server Configuration
MySQL User Account Problems
Networking Configuration
Connector Installation
None of These Solved My Problem—What Next?
A Tour of the MySQL Connector/Arduino Code
Library Files
Field Structure
Public Methods
Example Uses
Project: Building a MySQL Arduino Client
Hardware Setup
Software Setup
Setting Up the Sensor Database
Writing the Code
Test Execution
For More Fun
Project Example: Inserting Data from Variables
Project Example: How to Perform SELECT Queries
Displaying a Result Set in the Serial Monitor
Writing Your Own Display Method
Example: Getting a Lookup Value from the Database
Component Shopping List
Chapter 8: Building Your Network: Arduino Wireless Aggregator + Wireless
Sensor Node + Raspberry Pi Server
Data-Aggregate Nodes
Local-Storage Data Aggregator
Project: Data-Aggregate Node with Local Storage
Remote-Storage Data Aggregator
Project: Arduino Data-Aggregate Node with Database Storage
Project: Raspberry Pi Data-Aggregate Node with Database Storage
Component Shopping List
Chapter 9: Planning Wireless Sensor Networks
Sensor Networks Best Practices
Considerations for Data-Aggregate Nodes
Considerations for Sensor Network Databases
Other Considerations
Choosing Sensor Nodes
Wired Or Wireless?
Arduino or Raspberry Pi?
Alternative Hosts
Project: Home Temperature-Monitoring Network
Planning Considerations
Planning the Nodes
Cost Considerations
What About Implementation?
For More Fun
Optional Component Shopping List
Appendix: Shopping List
Link to Purchase E-Book:
Beginning Sensor Networks with Arduino and Raspberry Pi [EPUB] -E-book