Build your own patient monitor with a Raspberry Pi

Hardware components:
ProtoCentral HealthyPi HAT for Raspberry Pi
× 1
Pi 3 02
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
× 1
13733 01
Raspberry Pi Touch Display
× 1
Software apps and online services:
Atmel Studio 7

Build your own patient monitor with a Raspberry Pi


Raspberry Pi boards are used in many applications like Media streamer, Arcade machine, Tablet computer, Home automation, many more. And now Raspberry Pi can be used as patient monitor with the help of ProtoCentral’s Healthy Pi Hat. This patient monitor is portable and efficient in monitoring ECG, Heart Rate, SPO2, Respiration, Temperature and Blood Pressure of a patient. This project shows how to use Raspberry Pi Board along with the ProtoCentral’s Healthy PI Hat to change into Patient Monitor.

Hardware Specifications

The HAT uses the Atmel’s SAMD21 processor which collects the ECG and SPO2 data from ADS1292R and AFE4490 respectively and update the data to Raspberry Pi via UART interface. The SAMD21G18A is a 32-bit ARM cortex-M0+ microcontroller with max CPU speed of 48Mhz. It got a SRAM 0f 32KB and Flash 256KB. It runs with a 1.6-3.6V supply.

How To Get Started:

The board is pre-loaded with the firmware which works stand alone with the Rpi with fewer setup. However you will need some software. Here’s what we’re using:

  • Atmel Studio 7

Please note that Atmel Studio 7 does not support Mac and Linux . This is the IDE software that can do step & memory debugging and its only for Windows. Also you have to make an account on Atmel’s site. The IDE can be downloaded from Atmel Studio’s Official Website.

Let’s Go

Load the Healthy Pi Source Code

Step 1 : Start by launching Atmel Studio 7.

Step 2 : Open the Project [navigate the path where the project is saved].

Step 3 : You’ll see the following, where the sketch is in a window, you can edit the code here if you like.


You need a debugger to load the code into the SAMD21G18A. Atmel-ICE will help get from here

Step 1 : Set Up and Check Interface

Step 2 : Identify Interface

  • OK now you have your debugger plugged in, its good to check that it works, select Device Programming.
  • Programming window will be open.
  • Select the programmer from the drop down box. Select interface as “SWD”. Click on “Apply”.
  • Now read the Power and Device ID. If you are able to read the Device ID then the interface is fine.

Step 3 : Build & Start Debugging

Ok close out the modal programming window and build the program. If there are no error, then your build will be successful.

Step 4 : Run & Upload

  • You will see a window appearing to select a debugging tool. Select the tool and interface.
  • Once done, go back and Re-run Program without debugging.
  • Now you are ready with the Healthy Pi Hat.

patient monitor with a Raspberry Pi

Read More: Build your own patient monitor with a Raspberry Pi

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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