Spy robots are remotely controlled robots, equipped with a camera, transmitting video data to the remote area. A movable spy robot with a remote controller by using raspberry pi. The spy robot is made up of a USB camera, Wi-Fi adaptor, batteries and movable wheels. To remotely control wireless system and to control Spy robot Wi-Fi technology is used.
Remote Operated Spy Robot is a small robot designed for spying, surveillances and inspection purposes through web browsers from any corner of the world.
Working Principle:
From the above block diagram,
This DIY Kit consists of two interventions SPY BOT PI and Remote Control.
SPY BOT PI consists of raspberry pi attached to the BOT PCB (L298 motor driver and DC motors with wheels) along with USB camera and Wi-Fi adaptor plugged in. Power supply is provided by 12v DC for entire BOT PI and also Regulated 5v and 12v supply is provided on board.
After booting into Raspberry Pi, necessary application must be installed to run PHP, mjpg streamer (for video streaming).
Remote control is intervened through web browser, in this webpage consist of movement control of the robot and live video streaming.
For this, PHP script is written to control motors through l298 motor driver and mjpg streamer is configured to stream video into the same PHP code in raspberry pi.
Kit Contains:
- Raspberry PI B+
- BOT Pi
- USB WEB camera
- Jumper wires
- 12V DC Battery
For more detail: DIY SPY BOT PI Kit- Raspberry PI