- Open LTPS Web Interface by simply entering its IP address in your browser, select the “Tibbits Layout” tab, and push the “Launch TPS Configurator…” button.
Step 2: Setting Up Microsoft Azure IoT Hub
Microsoft Azure IoT Hub is a service that allows bi-directional communications between your devices and a solution back end. To complete this part of the tutorial you’ll need:
- TPS device(s) prepared as shown on the Step 0
- A PC with installed Node.js
Create an IoT Hub
- Sign in to the Azure Portal
- Choose New > Internet of Things > Azure IoT Hub
- Configure your IoT Hub, then click “Create”
- Wait a few minutes until your IoT Hub has been created then select All Resources > [name of your IoT hub] and click “Keys” icon.
- In the Shared access policies blade select the “iothubowner” item and then copy the value of “Connection string” field.
vent monitoring is the most remarkable and very useful feature for the purpose of debugging iothub-explorer. With iot-explorer, you can easily observe events sent by your devices to cloud and vice versa.
Note: this command requires providing iothubowner connection string even if you’re already logged in.
For more details: Environmental Monitoring with TPS, Azure, and PowerBI