Use your Raspberry Pi to control a floppy drive to make music!
Step 1: Materials
- Raspberry Pi
- ATX power supply (can be found in old computers)
- Floppy drive
- Breadboard
- Wires (9 female to male and 1 male to male)
Step 2: Connect the floppy drive
Connect floppy drive pin 11 to floppy drive pin 12. This is the grey wires on the picture. This is the “on switch” for the floppy drive.
Connect floppy drive pin 18 to pin 11 on the Pi (gipo 0) This is the yellow and red wire on the picture.
Connect floppy drive pin 20 to pin 12 on the Pi (gipo 1) This is the cyan and green wire on the picture.
Now connect floppy drive pin 17 and 19 to pin 6 on the Pi (ground) This is the orange, blue and brown wire on the picture.
The reason for using a breadboard and female to male wires when you can use female to female wires between the floppy drive is:
1. gives you more space to move around the things.
2. It is easier this way when it comes to connecting pin 17 and 19 to ground.
Step 3: Power Supply
Connect the ATX power supply to the floppy drive and then locate the largest connector from the ATX power supply and connect the male to male wire from the green wire on the connector to the nearest black wire on the connector.
Step 4: Prepare your Pi
Power on your Pi and plug in a internet cable. You can then use one of these methods:
SHH in via a program like PuTTY and do the rest from your computer
Connect mouse, keyboard and a screen.
Step 5: Install wiringPi
You will need to install wiringPi to control the gipo pins.
in the terminal, type:
sudo apt-get install git-core
then type
git clone git://
and finally type these two commands
cd wiringPi
for more information on how to install see:
Step 6: Getting the music file
Make a new directory named floppymusic with the command
mkdir floppymusic
then go to that directory by typing
cd floppymusic
now create a new C++ file named main with
nano main.cpp
then copy the code from… into that file.
exit and save the changes!
For more detail: Floppy Drive music /w Raspberry Pi