How to Make a Raspberry Pi Case From an Altoids Tin

If you have a Raspberry Pi computer board, you can make a great case for it out of an Altoids mint tin.

You’ll need:

1 Raspberry Pi computer board

1 Altoids mint tin

1 Plastic gift card

1 Dremel or Small drill

1 Tin snips or diagonal cutterHow to Make a Raspberry Pi Case From an Altoids Tin

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Step 1: 1) Left side of tin

Step 1: Drill a hole for the Pi LED corner at the bottom front left corner of tin; then, with tinsnips or diagonal cutter, cut out large area (as indicated in picture) for the Ethernet & USB ports in the left side of the tin.

Step 2: 2) Front side of tin

Step 2: Drill holes in the front side of tin for the audio and RCA jacks. The RCA jack hole will include part of the tin lid lip.

Step 3: 3) Right side of tin

Step 3: Drill holes for the SD card and power jack in the right side of the tin.

Step 4: 4) Back (hinge) side of tin

Step 4: Drill a hole for the HDMI port on the back (hinge) side of the tin.

Step 5: 5) Insulate the bottom

Step 5: Drop a plastic gift card into the tin to insulate the bottom of the board from the bottom of the tin.How to Make a Raspberry Pi Case From an Altoids Tin schematich

Step 6: 6) Begin to install the board

Step 6: Angle the board into the tin so the RCA jack goes through its hole first.

Step 7: 7) Complete the board insertion

Step 7: Drop the HDMI side of the Pi board down into the Altoids tin.

Step 8: 8) Install SD card & peripheral connections

Step 8: Plug in your SD card, video (RCA or HDMI), audio, Ethernet and USB (keyboard & mouse) plugs.

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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