A Weather station project is a project that gives you information about the weather in a particular area and is quite useful for a lot of things like planning of the day, farming and several others. A weather station project is one of those projects where you can have different types of sensors attached to it. In this post, I will highlight some interesting sensors that can be added to a weather station based project.
The DS18B20 is a temperature sensor and one of my favorite one. Unlike other temperature sensors, the DS18B20 is one wire type of sensor. It only requires one wire for communication and also supports parasite modes. Parasite mode means it doesn’t need a power supply, and it can get powered from the same data line. One of the features of the DS18B20 and other one-wire sensors is the fact that you connect multiple sensors to just one pin. I have connected about 32 of those sensors to one single digital pin on the Arduino Uno.