Thingiverse member “Grid” has created a compact Retropie console aptly named the JoypadOS. Using a little 3D modelling, 3D printing and basic electronics the pocket-sized gaming console was created using a pro-micro Arduino clone.
This is a project for retropi console as i had no gamepad, so i decided to make a simple one with pro-micro Arduino clone. I did this project having elegoo’s 12x12mm Square Buttons and WINGONEER PS2 Joystick controller plus Arduino Leonardo clone ( pro micro ) and joystick library”
For more details on the project jump over to the Thingiverse website and project page by following the link below. If you are interested in learning more about the different operating systems are reasonable for the raspberry Pi mini PC jump over to our previous article, listing a variety of stable Raspberry Pi operating systems suitable for building a wide range of different projects and applications.