Microchip has expanded its ‘digitally-enhanced power analogue controller’ range of microcontrollers for dc-dc conversion.
These are not for digital-in-the-loop applications. Instead they include all the standard analogue blocks required for a flexible dc-dc controller, plus an over-seeing microcontroller.
MCP19114 and MCP19115 to support fly-back, boost, Cuk and SEPIC topologies – in quasi-resonant (internal comparator) or fixed-frequency forms (internal programmable oscillator).
Supply range is 4.5V to 42V, covering 5, 12, and 24V rails as well as automotive load-dump. Quiescent current is typically 5mA and sleep can be around 30μA.
The step-up PWM controller runs from 31.25kHz to 2MHz, and there two low-side gate drivers with independent dead time control delivering +/-1A at 10V, or +/-0.5A when only 5V is available.
For those close to Microchip products: the analogue PWM controller similar to the MCP1631, and the MCU is largely a PIC12F617.
Inside is programmable: input under/over voltage lock-out, output over-voltage, leading edge blanking (four steps), 6bit slope compensation, and 8bit voltage reference.
A capture-and-compare adds additional control, for dimming, for example, and an I2C serial bus is available.
To go with the chips, there is the MCP19114 ‘flyback standalone evaluation board’ (ADM00578) supporting 0-50V output from 8-14V input.
Development tools include MPLAB X integrated development environment, PICkit 3 (PG164130), PICkit serial analyser (DV164122), and the MPLAB XC8 Compiler.
For more detail: Microchip combines flexible dc-dc and MCU