As we know, a relay is a very versatile component, able to realize also various “sequential” circuits, when for example by switching one relay we´ll switch on a target device and at the same time we´ll enable (or disable) switching of another relay. In these case, it´s an often demand for a relay to have a sufficient number of poles. Majority of such “logic” circuits can be realized even with a common 1-2 pole relays, but it´s not always economical and it also brings another costs for solution of supplying and protection of logic circuits.
Industrial relays Finder series „55“ and „60“ are suitable for a construction of such more complex circuits or for switching of three phase devices.
● Finder 55 – miniature industrial relay for a PCB or for socket, 2-4 poles, 7-10A (switching current up to 20A), 250/400VAC,
● Finder 60 – a more robust industrial relay for a socket, 2-3 poles, 10A (switching current up to 20A), 250/400VAC,
In the series 55 can be found types which can be soldered directly into a PCB (without a socket) or to insert into some of many available sockets (for PCB, with soldering pins or on a DIN rail). Types from series 60 need to be inserted into a socket (for PCB, with soldering pins or on a DIN rail). Naturally, for eventual repair/maintanance, it´s much better to use a socket. Sockets can be equipped with metal or a plastic clip. Also exists a socket 94.94.3 with a safety separation of an input and output part. Similarly like at majority of Finder types, sockets can be equipped with optional protection and indication modules.
Common feature of many relays from series „55“ and „60“ is, that they have an integrated test button control with dual functionality:
● pressing a button will switch on contacts thus we´re able to test functionality of a relay
● by rotating the test button it´s possible to switch on relay permanently
For more detail: Multi-pole industrial relays provide more possibilities