Raspberry PI commands cheat sheet

Here is a list of some useful Raspberry Pi commands that you may find helpful as a cheat sheet:

  • sudo apt-get update: Update the list of available packages and their versions.
  • sudo apt-get upgrade: Upgrade installed packages to the latest version.
  • sudo raspi-config: Launch the Raspberry Pi configuration tool.
  • df -h: Show the available disk space on the system.
  • free -m: Show the available memory on the system.
  • top: Show the processes that are currently running on the system.
  • ps aux: Show all running processes and their resource usage.
  • shutdown -h now: Shut down the Raspberry Pi.
  • reboot: Restart the Raspberry Pi.
  • nano: Launch the Nano text editor.
  • cat: Display the contents of a file.
  • grep: Search for a specific string in a file.
  • chmod: Change the permissions of a file.

Here are top 50 Raspberry PI commonly used commands cheat sheet:

  1. ls – List the files in a directory
  2. cd – Change the current working directory
  3. pwd – Print the current working directory
  4. mkdir – Create a new directory
  5. rmdir – Remove an empty directory
  6. cp – Copy a file or directory
  7. mv – Move a file or directory
  8. rm – Remove a file
  9. man – Display the manual page for a command
  10. cat – Concatenate and display the contents of a file
  11. less – View the contents of a file one page at a time
  12. echo – Output a message or value
  13. grep – Search for a pattern in a file or stream
  14. find – Search for files matching a pattern
  15. sort – Sort the lines in a file or stream
  16. uniq – Remove duplicate lines from a file or stream
  17. wc – Count the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file
  18. chmod – Change the permissions of a file or directory
  19. chown – Change the owner of a file or directory
  20. echo $PATH – Display the directories in the search path
  21. echo $SHELL – Display the name of the current shell
  22. echo $USER – Display the current user's username
  23. echo $HOME – Display the current user's home directory
  24. echo $HOSTNAME – Display the current hostname
  25. date – Display the current date and time
  26. cal – Display a calendar
  27. uptime – Display the uptime of the system
  28. whoami – Display the current user's username
  29. id – Display information about the current user
  30. groups – Display the groups to which the current user belongs
  31. top – Display the top processes by CPU or memory usage
  32. ps – Display a list of processes
  33. kill – Terminate a process
  34. shutdown – Shut down or reboot the system
  35. reboot – Reboot the system
  36. init – Change the system runlevel
  37. dmesg – Display the system message buffer
  38. lsmod – List the currently loaded kernel modules
  39. modprobe – Add or remove a kernel module
  40. ifconfig – Configure a network interface
  41. ip – Display or manipulate network settings
  42. route – Display or manipulate the routing table
  43. ping – Test a network connection
  44. traceroute – Trace the route to a host
  45. telnet – Connect to a remote host using the Telnet protocol
  46. ssh – Connect to a remote host using the SSH protocol
  47. scp – Copy files between two hosts using the SSH protocol
  48. sftp – Transfer files between two hosts using the SFTP protocol
  49. ftp – Connect to a remote host using the FTP protocol
  50. wget – Download a file from the internet
  51. curl – Transfer data using various network protocols
  52. apt-get – Install, update, and manage packages



About The Author

Muhammad Bilal

I am highly skilled and motivated individual with a Master's degree in Computer Science. I have extensive experience in technical writing and a deep understanding of SEO practices.

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