Raspberry pi NAS/UPNP MP3 Streaming Torrent Box headless

Raspberry pi NAS/UPNP MP3 Streaming Torrent Box headless

I have a Raspberry Pi model B and a desktop HDD and wanted to host all my music and videos,
Todo this I will be using raspbian wheezy for the Pi, mediatomb for the upnp streaming for the music and samba for videos to be shared with XBMC on your laptop or pc or even a second Raspberry Pi.

User requirements: to have the basic understanding of linux and how to run commands in a terminal as we will not be using a monitor plugged into the Pi

WARNING: I except no responsibility for any mistakes made with the programs and make sure that no other SD or USB flash drive is inserted and backup all your data before usingRaspberry pi NAS UPNP MP3 Streaming Torrent Box headless

Step 1: Requirements

these are the items required to finish this project
Required items:
1. Raspberry Pi (B)
2. power cable and power source
3. ethernet cable
4. USB HDD(any size portable or desktop)
5. SD card at least 4GB
6. case (if you want)

no monitor required

files required
1. rasbian http://www.raspbian.org/
2. mediatomb http://mediatomb.cc/
3. XBMC(for your pc/laptop) http://xbmc.org/
4. image writer for linux https://launchpad.net/usb-imagewriter/+download
5. win32-diskimager http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/
6. samba (from repo. see instructions)

Step 2: Install Rasbian and flash it to your SD card

first you need to install Rasbian from http://raspbian.org and flash it to your SD card using
WARNING: I except no responsibility for any mistakes made with the program and make sure that no other SD or USB flash drive is inserted and backup all your data before using

1. windows option
download win32-diskimager from http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/
select the image downloaded and the device to flash to and then press write.

2. linux option

download image writer from here: https://launchpad.net/usb-imagewriter/+download
and once installed, use imagewriter to flash the SD with the image downloaded from rasbian.org

Select the image to write and the location to write to and select write to device.

Step 3: Prepare your HDD

to prepare your external storage that will hold all your music and videos, you will need to have it formatted in EXT4 (click here to learn about EXT4)

either NTFS or EXT4 will do if you cant format the HDD as its already got the files on it.

i have a desktop Hitachi HDD, you can leave it as NTFS if you want but for performance EXT4 is preferred.

you can format it using ubuntu or windows.

for Ubuntu open gparted or ubuntu disks

for windows use partition magic or alternative windows program but the installed partition manager will only format windows partitionsRaspberry pi NAS UPNP MP3 Streaming Torrent Box headless schematich

Step 4: setup Pi and connecting

plug in the SD card, Ethernet, and the external HDD then plug in the power.

because we are doing this without a monitor we require to find out the IP address of the Pi from your wireless router, or if you have an android phone you can use an ap called Fing, this app can search your wifi when connected for active computers and other devices connected to your wifi network, It will be called Pi or Raspbian pi or somewhere along these lines..
Once you have found your IP address you need to use SSH, you can do this from windows with a program called Putty or in linux in a terminal using the ssh command.
my IP address is as i have forced the router to give the mac address of the Pi a predetermined IP  address so i can connect over the internet also using Webmin.
so in putty or linux connect to the ip address the default user name is pi and the password is raspberry
in terminal run ssh [email protected]
in putty enter the IP address and connect then enter the username and password
username : pi
password ; raspberry

first thing you need to do after login is change the password but not only change the password create a non-admin/root user

first change the password of the user you have logged in as by typing:

For more detail: Raspberry pi NAS/UPNP MP3 Streaming Torrent Box headless

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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