Raspberry Pi Pico Water-level-indicator Using Potentiometer

Hello, I am a school student from Germany and this is my first Instructable. I‘m excited to show you how to make a water-level-indicator using Raspberry pi Pico and a Potentiometer. My parents gifted me the Raspberry pi Pico for Christmas and immediately I started trying out what it can do. It is a simple Project and maybe someone has done it before, but I made it all by myself, so let‘s get started…

Raspberry Pi Pico Water-level-indicator Using Potentiometer


  • Raspberry pi Pico and Micro USB Cable
  • PiperMake (https://make.playpiper.com/)
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper-cables
  • 3 LEDs, Red, Yellow and Green
  • Buzzer
  • 10k Ohms Potentiometer
  • Stick
  • Something that floats

Step 1: Connecting Potentiometer

Connecting Potentiometer

Start building the Circuit.

First connect the potentiometer to the pico as shown in the image above: Connect the middle pin of the potentiometer to the pin 31/ GP26 / ADC0. Then connect one of the remaining pins of the potentiometer to any of the grounds (GND). The third pin of the potentiometer has to be connected to pin 36 / 3v3 OUT.

Step 2: Adding LEDs

Adding LEDs

Now connect the three LEDs to the pico.

The positive pin of the Green LED has to be connected to pin 17/ GP13. The positive pin of the Yellow LED has to be connected to pin 19/ GP14. The positive pin of the Red LED has to be connected to pin 20/ GP15. Connect the negative pins of all LEDs to any of the grounds (GND) of the pico.

Step 3: Adding Buzzer

Adding Buzzer

Connect the positive pin of the buzzer to pin 20/GP15 (same as red LED ) and the negative pin of the buzzer to any of the grounds of the pico.

Step 4: Complete Circuit

Complete Circuit

When all components are in place, the circuit should look as in the picture above:

Step 5: Circuit on the Breadboard

Circuit on the Breadboard

On my breadboard, the circuit looks as in the picture above:

Step 6: Attaching Lever Arm

Attaching Lever Arm

Attach the lever arm to the potentiometer with hot glue.

Step 7: Attaching Float

Attaching Float

Attach a float to the other end of the stick.The float can be a block of styrofoam or a plastic ball. I have used a plastic ball as in the image above.

Step 8: Attaching Everything to a Bucket

Attaching Everything to a Bucket

Attach the potentiometer to a bucket, which at least should be as deep as the stick and the float together.

Step 9: Start Programming

Start Programming

The Water-level-indicator works by reading the values of the potentiometer and turning the LEDs on when a certain value is reached. Everything is programmed in PiperMake. Let‘s start with an simple “repeat forever“ loop:

Step 10: Reading Values

Reading Values

Read the values from the potentiometer by using the “ print (read from pin ADC0)“ block.

Step 11: If/Else If Loops

Else If Loops

Add 4 “If/ Else if “ loops into the “repeat forever“ loop below print.

Step 12: Adding Pins

Adding Pins

Add the pins to the if and else if loops, as you connected them in the circuit

GP13 = Green LED

GP14 = Yellow LED

GP15 = Red LED

Step 13: Adding Values

Adding Values

The values depend on your construction.To get the values for your setup, we used the “print“ block. The values will be shown in the console at the bottom of pipermake page.

Try out which values will be perfect at which water-level . Add the correct values in the program. The values may change after final calibration

Step 14: Everything Working Together

How this project works. Link for above video

Step 15: End Note

I will submit this project for Raspberry Pi contest. Please like and vote for my entry.

This is only a basic version, so you can extend it with more LEDs for more waterlevels

I also make YouTube videos on programming in Scratch and Raspberry pi. Please subscribe to my Youtube channel PRO 🙂


Source: Raspberry Pi Pico Water-level-indicator Using Potentiometer

About The Author

Muhammad Bilal

I am highly skilled and motivated individual with a Master's degree in Computer Science. I have extensive experience in technical writing and a deep understanding of SEO practices.