If you’d like to build your very own Raspberry Pi smart doorbell will be pleased to know that a project has been posted to the Hackster.io website this week from member “CHGP”. “This is a doorbell with smart functions.It does sound, like a regular doorbell when you press the button, but it also starts a livestream and sends a message via webhook on slack.”
Built using the Raspberry Pi Zero mini PC loaded with the Raspbian operating system, combined with a 12 mm pushbutton and a Pimoroni Speaker pHAT. The project has been classed as a “Beginner” skilled project and should take approximately four hours to complete.
“Both the folders in the github repo will have individual instructions for both units. It is important that you plug in the button with cam first, or the speaker will fail to find the MQTT server.”
For more information on the smart doorbell and ideas on how you can create your very own jump over to the Hackster.io website. If you are interested in learning more about the different operating systems that can be installed on the Raspberry Pi mini PC jump over to our previous article where we discuss which Raspberry Pi operating system you should use for different applications.
Source: Raspberry Pi smart doorbell