Smart thermometers are not the cheapest gadgets around but if you have a Raspberry Pi 3 model B mini PC gathering dust or fancy a new project this weekend you might be interested in this Raspberry Pi smart thermostat created by member Attila Tőkés. Equipped with Bluetooth low energy connectivity and created with the NXP Rapid IoT kit the Raspberry Pi smart thermostat also provides data logging enabling you to track your energy usage.
The Smart Thermostat will measure the temperature, relative humidity, air pressure and ambient light, all readings are then broadcast over Bluetooth and the Raspberry Pi provides visualisation for the display, data logging systems as well as control the heating system.
“In this project I will show how to use the NXP Rapid IoT device to create a Smart Thermostat with data logging capabilities. The 3 sensors (ambient light, temperature & humidity and air pressure) are queried at each second. The values read are published on 4 Bluetooth Low Energy Characteristics.
The sensor values are also displayed on the screen on different pages. The touch sensor is used to navigate between the pages. The brightness of the screen is controlled with the top and bottom touch buttons. The current brightness value is stored in a backLightLevel variable, while to two functions (BrightnessUp, BrightnessDown) connected to the Up/Down Pressed triggers of the touch controller are used to increase or decrease the brightness.”
For more information on the project jump over to the official website where full instructions, code and component list are available. The project has been classified as an “Easy” build and should take approximately eight hours to construct.