Social Alarm Clock


  • Alexandru Radovici, Ioana Culic, Maria Tudor – Wyliodrin
  • Bogdan Doinea – Cisco Networking Academy

This document describes how to build a Social Alarm Clock by a team of five people: a manager, a product designer, two engineers and a programmer.


We are going to make a smart wake up lamp. You should already be grouped in teams of five. If you are more than 5, feel free to assign a technical role to multiple people and work together. Each member of the team will have a different role, so please assign the following roles to each other: Social Alarm ClockManager – ensures the projects are implemented and that everybody is working. Also keeps in touch with the Technical Managers.

  1. Designer – uses Lego blocks to design and construct the box
  2. Programmer – programs the software inside the boards
  3. Two Engineers – connect the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino, the peripherals of I/O, connect the wires

Please complete the following table with the names of the team members and their roles.

Name Role

Wyliodrin Setup

This describes how to setup your Wyliodrin accounts and connect the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino.

Wyliodrin Accounts

All tea m members with a computer are required to sign up for a Wyliodrin account. Please go to

From the entire team, the programmers are the only ones who have to sign up for a Wyliodrin account. Of course, we recommend everyone to create an account, as you will have the possibility to share a project and view, live, how the application is being constructed.

Raspberry Pi and Arduino Setup

The programmer should perform this actions.

Board Setup

Sign in with your Wyliodrin account. After signing in, you will find on the top of the projects page a button with Add new board. Please press the button to add the Raspberry Pi to your account. To add the board you have to complete these two steps:

  1. name the board and select the type
  2. set up the network connection

SD Card Setup

In the Raspberry Pi box, you will find a micro SD Card and an SD Card adapter. Insert the micro SD Card into your computer and copy on it the wyliodrin.json file. Make sure the name is spelled exactly wyliodrin.json. Insert the card into the Raspberry Pi, connect the Raspberry Pi to the ethernet and power it on. Wait for the board to appear online.

Additional Information

A full tutorial on how to setup the Raspberry Pi is available at

Project 0 – Play a radio Station

Participants: Programmer, Engineer

Connect the speaker

Performed by: Engineers In your kit you will find an X-Mini Speaker. The speaker has two cables:

  • a jack for audio located underneath
  • a mini USB cable for power, the speaker has a battery, just to make sure, please connect the mini USB cable to the speaker and plug it in the computer so that the battery gets charged

Connect the jack cable to the jack output of the Raspberry Pi.

Start a radio station

Performed by: Programmer On the projects page, you have a button Create new application. Press the button. You will be asked to name your application and select the language. Name it Speaker and select the language Music – Visual Programming. This will create an application starting from an example for playing music.

Use the buttons on the left side to share the project. Click on any of them, Wyliodrin will ask if you allow the project to be made public. Answer yes. Press the buttons again and share the project with your team mates. You can either send it via Facebook as a private message. Press again the button or simply copy the link from the browser and send it by email.

Look at the project

Performed by: All team members Go to the provided link. You will be able to see live the project. Please change the radio station to something else. To run the application, click the name of your Raspberry Pi located on the left.

Project 1 – Build the case

The project’s aim is to build a LEGO box for the smart wake up lamp. You have a LEGO bricks box and a LEGO plate. The bottom of the box will be the LEGO plate.

Phase 1 – Design the case

Performed by: All team members

It is very important for ALL team members to think of this initial design and factor in all boards, wires and components so that you will not have to redesign later in the workshop.

Think of a suitable design for the case so that the plastic board with the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino on top, can fit in. The box should be five layers high. Please do not forget to leave spaces for the Ethernet, power and jack cables. Look at the breadboard with the LCD and find a way to anchor it in the box. Place the speaker next to the wake up lamp.

Phase 2 – Build the case

Performed by: Designer You will need:

  • the LEGO bricks box
  • the LEGO plate
  • two screws
  • a screwdriver
  • the plastic board for the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino (RedBoard)
  • tracing paper

Build the case you designed in the previous phase. Please open the LEGO bricks box and place all the LEGO bricks inside the plastic box. This way you will have them in hand. Fix the Arduino on the plastic board using the two screws available in the Lab Pack. Insert the red USB cable into the Arduino. Right next to the Arduino you will place the Raspberry Pi.

The Raspberry Pi might not be available yet as it is used in other projects.

Place the board on the LEGO plate and build a box around it. We recommend starting with the small blocks as you will need the long blocks in order to anchor the LCD. Put the paper upon the box and tie it with tape.

Project 2 – Light up a multicolor LED

You will need:

  • a Raspberry Pi connected to Wyliodrin
  • An Arduino (RedBoard)
  • an RGB LED
  • three 330 Ohm resistors
  • three female-female jumper wires
  • four male-female jumper wires

Connect the Arduino and the LED

Performed by: Engineers Connect the Arduino to the Raspberry Pi through the red USB cable. Connect the RGB LED to the Arduino following the schematics below. The RGB LED has four legs: red, ground, green, blue. The longer leg is the ground, it will be connected with a male-female wire to the Arduino pin named GND. The other pins will be connected to pins 9, 10, 11 via 330 Ohm resistors. Social Alarm Clock schematic

Light up the LED

Performed by: Programmer Go to the Wyliodrin Applications page and create a new application. After you name it, select the language New – Visual programming. Press Next. On the second page, select Connect an Arduino to the board (Raspberry Pi only). This will add an Arduino component to your application.

Click on the newly created application. This will open it in a new tab. You will see the blocks for the new application. You will use these blocks to program the Raspberry Pi. Share the new application with your team members. Click the buttons on the left menu to share the application and send the link to all the team members. From the blocks menu, select Embedded/Arduino/Start Arduino on port []. You must enter the Arduino port. Most probably it is /dev/ttyUSB0. If this does not work, please ask your team supervisor for an example of how to get the port. Select the Embedded/Arduino/Set fine color [] on RGB LED pins R[], G[], B[]. Select a color and write the pins that you used to connect the LED. They are 9 for Red, 10 for Green and 11 for Blue. Start the project by pressing the left menu button with the name of the Raspberry Pi. A popup will ask you about the Arduino settings. Press Save.

Project 3 – Write CISCO on the LCD

You will need:

  • a Raspberry Pi connected to Wyliodrin
  • a 16×2 LCD from the Lab Pack
  • a breadboard from the Lab Pack
  • 8 male-male jumper wires
  • 8 male-female jumper wires
  • a rotary-angle

Connect the LCD

Performed by: Engineers Place the LCD on the breadboard and connect it to the Raspberry Pi as shown in the picture.

The picture depicts a Raspberry Pi B Model and the kit contains Raspberry Pi B+ Model. This has more pins, so please start counting pins from right to left. There are also two pictures below of how the pins of the Raspberry Pi model B+ are arranged.

For more detail: Social Alarm Clock

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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