

In case you are wondering if this post might be interesting for you, here is what we have achieved and what we will show in it:


  • Real-time, multi-platform, free-software visualization of CY8CKIT-048 using Python, Qt and ZeroMQ.
  • Data logging using the logging Python module on the Raspberry Pi.
  • Results visualization and sharing with cloud-based ThingSpeak IoT platform.

All our code is freely available on GitHub, do not forget to check our repositories and give us some feedback! ^^



The environment control inside intermodal containers or trailers is key to deliver the goods in optimal conditions. Besides well-known cold chains for food and drugs, the levels of humidity should be also checked to avoid phenomenons as container rain, cargo sweat or corrosion. Thefts and negligent manipulation are also typical concerns.

Analog Coprocessor Pioner Kit together along any of the inertial measurement units from Mouser could detect typical problems. While Cypress device already includes sensors to guarantee cold chain (temperature sensor), humidity levels (humidity sensor) and thefts detection (motion and ambient light sensors), Mouser inertial measurement unit would help to identify careless manipulation.

With all this data, would only remain to inform stakeholders (carriers and customers) via instant alarms or historical reports.


Stowaway Overview

The stowaway project is composed by:

  • A CY8CKIT-048 board with a temperature, an ambient light and an humidity sensor to guarantee cold chain, humidity levels and detect thefts. It is also used to convert the output of LY330ALH gyroscope sensor from analog to digital . The sensors data is sent to the external world through I2C.
  • A LY330ALH gyroscope sensor that provides a measured angular rate on z-axis to identify careless manipulation of the container.
  • A Raspberry Pi that collects information from CY8CKIT-048 through I2C. It saves sensors data on a convenient format to posterior analysis. It also sends real-time measurements that can be received by any PC connected over wifi or ethernet.
  • A PC to analyze the hystorical reports and deduce the origin of the defective goods. It also shows data graphics in real time and will instantly warn stakeholders about dangerous situations.

Read More:  Stowaway

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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