
Raspberry Pi 4x4x4 LED Cube

Raspberry Pi 4x4x4 LED Cube

I’ve been fascinated with LED cubes for a while now, but haven’t been able to bring myself to build an Arduino-based cube. They turn on quickly and nicely, yes, but writing the code is a horrible mess of bits and bytes. The Raspberry Pi’s Python-based GPIO interface was much more appealing (and readable) to me, […]

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LED Rubiks Cube With Arduino

LED Rubik’s Cube With Arduino

In this instructable I’ll show you how you can build your own LED Rubik’s cube. This project was done for an introductory electronics course at Pomona College. Groups were given approximately two months to complete a project of their choosing, the only requirement being that the project rely on electronics built by the students. Our

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Raspberry Pi 3x3 LED Cube

Raspberry Pi 3×3 LED Cube

About a month ago my dad bought a soldering iron and we both learnt to solder by making an LED cube controlled by an Arduino. It was a cool project to show my friends and really easy to build so I have decided to make one for the Raspberry Pi and an Adafruit Cobbler because

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