
DIY Smart Mirror

DIY Smart Mirror

This guide shows everything I did in order to build my Raspberry Pi Smart Mirror. With the Smart Mirror, I am able to access the weather, time, and news, as well as several other custom modules. I would like to thank Ms. Berbawy and the rest of my Principles of Engineering class at Irvington High […]

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This is 3-axis CNC plotter/engraver based on GRBL software and 2020 aluminum extrusions. Low-cost engraving and PCB manufacturing dual side. Story Our prototype model is IoT-based thus providing it a scalable architecture to use it from practically anywhere with an internetconnection. This is a 350mm x 350mm CNC with a 250mm x 240mm work area,

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DIY Power Logger Using I2C & Python

Make your own power logger for electronics that you use in the house using INA219 chip, SSD1306 OLED display, Raspberry Pi 3, and Python.   Story The drive for this project was the inspiration from (my opinion) a well known YouTuber, which presents electronics circuits, projects, and electronics basics videos (how capacitors, inductors, MOSFETs, etc.).

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FEATURED CheapThermocamBackground3

Build a DIY Thermocam

The basic idea of my low-cost thermal imager started with my physics class in 2010. Our teacher bought a single-point infrared thermometer, also called a pyrometer, and asked if anyone wanted to use it for a science competition later that year. A friend and I came up with the idea of creating a thermal image

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DIY games machine

DIY games machine out next year

Sir Clive Sinclair’s nephew follows in his footsteps Spectrum inventor Sir Clive Sinclair’s nephew Grant is hoping to replicate that success with a build-your-own pocket gaming computer. POCO, or Pocket Raspberry Pi Gaming Kit, is little bigger than a smartphone. It comes unassembled but can be snap-fitted together in about 30 minutes. Grant Sinclair said

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DIY Braille Embosser

This project started when I met Alvino. He is originally from the Bahamas and he was born unable to see. Today Alvino has migrated to Canada where access to braille embossers is subsidized by the government, but still they’re expensive, and repairs are costly. I started to think about building a machine for him to

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