
Raspberry Pi Hard Case

Raspberry Pi Hard Case

The other day I finally received my Raspberry Pi Model B in the mail!!!  It only took 6 months…. but at least it arrived. Regardless, I now have it in hand an am happily projecting away.  Of course I could spend 30-50$ odd dollars online and buy a snazzy clear case or I could put […]

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Creating a 99 parallel computing machine is just as hard as it sounds

Creating a $99 parallel computing machine is just as hard as it sounds

Ten months ago, the chipmaker Adapteva unveiled a bold quest—to create a Raspberry Pi-sized computer that can perform the same types of tasks typically reserved for supercomputers. And… they wanted to sell it for only $99. A successful Kickstarter project raised nearly $900,000 for the so-called “Parallella,” and the company got to work with a

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