
Capture 5

Interfacing HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor with Raspberry Pi

Contents 1 Working of PIR sensor HC-SR501 1.1 Adjustment 2 Circuit diagram 3 Python Program 4 Output All living beings radiate energy to the surroundings in the form of infrared radiations which are invisible to human eyes. A PIR (Passive infrared) sensor can be used to detect these passive radiations. When an object (human or animal) emitting infrared radiations passes through […]

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Interfacing an SPI ADC MCP3008 chip to the Raspberry Pi using C spidev

Interfacing an SPI ADC (MCP3008) chip to the Raspberry Pi using C++ (spidev)

In this entry I will demonstrate how to interface the MCP3008; an SPI-based analog to digital converter (ADC) integrated chip, to the Raspberry Pi. This enables  the Raspberry Pi to interpret analog voltages that are in turn typically emitted by analog-based sensors to reflect a measure of  a physical characteristic such as acceleration, light intensity

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Interfacing hex keypad to 8051 Schematic

Interfacing hex keypad to 8051

Hex keypad. In an 8051 microcontroller, it requires 12  cycles of the processor clock for executing a single instruction cycle.  For an 8051 microcontroller clocked by a 12MHz crystal, the time taken for executing one instruction cycle is 1µS and it is according to the equation,  Time for 1 instruction cycle= 12 /12MHz = 1µS.

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