
Raspberry Pi Media Panel

Raspberry Pi Media Panel

I wanted a simple yet elegant panel that would display the current weather, my photostream from Flickr, The time and my iCal feeds Step 1: Configuring the Raspberry pi First we’ll setup the Raspberry Pi, to do this you’ll need to have Raspbian installed. You can buy a Pi with Raspbian pre-installed or you can

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XBMC Media Center with Raspberry Pi

XBMC Media Center with Raspberry Pi

Media Centers are useful tools that allow users to organize and play their media, including videos, music, and pictures. Media Centers make it possible to stream content from multiple computers to a home entertainment system or other central location. In this tutorial, we will show how to build a small and affordable media center using

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Raspberry media player casing

Raspberry media player casing

Look at this Raspberry board. Its is a good choice if you want to make your own internet and multimedia station to play HD movies, browse on the web watch Youtube trailers listen your MP3 collections for literally peanuts. All you need to do, plug all the cables to they sockets, upload the software and good

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Raspberry Pi Wi Fi Media Server schematic

Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi Media Server

These instructions will provide you with a list of requirements and steps for configuring your own local Wi-Fi media server using the Raspberry Pi. Once complete, you will be able to plug a USB drive into your Raspberry Pi and provide the drive’s content across a local wireless area. Anyone within the vicinity will be

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Apple Pi Media Centre

Apple Pi Media Centre

Hello there, this is just my step by step on how i made my raspberry pi apple case! in short, it is an apple airport extreme case which i have gutted and replaced the circuit boards with a raspberry pi and a powered usb hub. i used; Apple Airport Extreme (broken one i picked up

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