
Raspberry Pi – homemade level converter for serial communication rs232 3.3 volts to 5 volts TTL for AVR microcontroller

Raspberry Pi – homemade level converter for serial communication rs232 3.3 volts to 5 volts TTL for AVR microcontroller

I found that the Raspberry Pi serial interface rs232, described in a older post by myself, was too bulky. Pi and AVR should be connected through a less amount of wires. So I’ve searched the best hints to solder a cheap and uncomplicated level converter, that can directly be connected between the GPIO of the

Raspberry Pi – homemade level converter for serial communication rs232 3.3 volts to 5 volts TTL for AVR microcontroller Read More »

Raspberry Pi Serial Port

Raspberry Pi Serial Port

Many of the GPIO pins on the Pi have other special uses.  The most useful of these are the serial port pins #8 and #10, which are transmit and receive for an RS-232 serial port.  By default this port will output diagnostic messages during boot and then provide a user login.  The configuration is 8

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Raspberry Pi Serial Communication What Why and a Touch of How

Raspberry Pi Serial Communication: What, Why, and a Touch of How

I started exploring how to get a LCD display operational with a Raspberry Pi (RPi).  I checked out two hardware configurations: the bare bone LCD 16×2 display driven by the HD44780 chip set, which takes 6 wires to operate,  and another configuration that uses a Adafruit shield that requires only 2 wires.  It quickly became clear to me that I knew

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