Usage of Issues, Branches and Merge Requests with Git on your own GitLab server running on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB!
Usage of GitLab CE on a Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB) -Branches, Issues, Merge Requests
- Create Issues on GitLab
- Create a branch to solve an Issue
- Create a Merge Request to close an Issue
Note: This is part 3 of a tutorial series about GitLab on a Raspberry Pi 4, also watch the previous parts before:
- Part 1: Installation of GitLab on Raspberry Pi 4
- Part 2: Usage of GitLab on a Raspberry Pi 4 with STM32
Download the fullinstructions here:
Full video tutorial available here:
Full video tutorial available here:
More tutorials about #GitLab on #RaspberryPi 4 coming soon!
Also watch my other projects:
Also watch the previous video:
Source: Usage of GitLab on Raspberry Pi 4 – Branches, Issues, Merge