Wireless IKEA DIODER mod, the cheap way

If you are looking for a cheap and easy way to control your lights with your smartphone or your computer this is the tutorial for you!

these are the required items for this mod:

Ingredients 🙂

Wireless IKEA DIODER mod, the cheap way

  1. An ikea DIODER
  2. An arduino (any will do but i recommend the pro mini)
  3. An 433 Mhz receiver
  4. Kynar wire (actually a bit thicker would be fine as well)
  5. Prototype Paper PCB (if you are going with the pro mini)


  1. Soldering iron + solder
  2. raspberry pi or anything else that can send 433 MHz signals (transmitter attached to your computer trough serial)
  3. multimeter (not required but recommended)


I am not responsible for any damage (IT IS POSSIBLE TO FRY YOUR COMPUTERS MOTHERBOARD TROUGH THE USB PORTS) that you may cause following these instructions, i modded my DIODER this way and it has been running successfully for days now but my instructions may be unclear/wrong/gramaticially incorrect (i can guarantee the last one) which may cause you to think you should store a hot soldering iron in your curtains, whatever lets get to it.

This tutorial is not completely finished, and i’ll improve the code shortly. However if you have any suggestions or spotted incorrect things (from instructions to grammar) please comment so i can improve this.

Step 1: Buying the parts

I don’t know if there are any good alternatives in the USA but in europe you’re going to use ebay, with free shiping and ridicoulously low prices nothing can beat this.

Since Ebay links stop working after a little while i’m not linking you to a specific item but rather a search page.

  1. PCB DIY Prototype Paper PCB ~0,17 for a 5x7cm piece
  2. Arduino Pro Mini atmega328 5V 16M ~2,50 for a nice knock off
  3. Kynar Wire (buy 10 ft. so they can ship it in an envelope) ~1,50 for 10 ft.
  4. 433 Mhz receiver ~1,30 for a pair
  1. Arduino Pro Mini progammer, you can use an arduino UNO or a USB to Serial adapter
  2. Soldering iron (i used 15W and that was more than enough)
  3. Solder, i like solder with a flux core but you can buy it separately or not at all
  4. Multimeter, preferably on that can test continuity and volt (almost every multimeter)

Step 2: Opening the DIODER up

OK, this thing outputs 12 volt but fortunatly it contains a micro chip that used 5v so we are going to use its power source and attach PWM pins of the arduino, in our case (3,5 and 6) to it’s output pins. The good news? you are still able to use the DIODER the regular way if you screw up. The bad news is that it’s hard to solder to SMD if you have never soldered anything before (but it’s certainly doable). I added a drawing of the pin layout of the onboard chip.

Step 3: Soldering the wires

First off all solder a wire wit a length of 17,3 cm to the 433 Mhz receiver otherwise you are going to get some strange results, this wire functions as an antenna with the length of 1/4 wavelength.

Wireless IKEA DIODER mod, the cheap way Schemetic

You’ll need to solder:

  • The signal wire (next to VCC) to pin 2 on the arduino
  • VCC to the vcc output of the Arduino (or directly to the positive pin from the DIODER)
  • GND to GND of the arduino (or directly to the negative pin from the DIODER)
  • pin 3 to the red pin of the dioder
  • pin 5 to the green pin of the dioder
  • pin 6 to the blue pin of the dioder


For more detail: Wireless IKEA DIODER mod, the cheap way

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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