v8, ARM’s 64-bit processor architecture, is being widely adopted. Seven licences were signed in Q2, making 50 in all. “50 v8 licences signed – 100 to go,” says ARM evp Pete Hutton.
v8 seems set to deliver royalties quite quickly. Three chip-makers have announced 64-bit chips to go into the server and networking markets.
One is the 48 core v8 64-bit 2.5GHz Cavium processor called ThunderX. “ThunderX will enable Cavium to be the first ARM-based vendor to deliver the performance and features required by today’s volume server market at half the power and significantly lower cost compared to competing solutions,” says processor guru Linley Gwennap.
As well as ThunderX, there’s Applied Micro’s eight v8 core X-Gene processor and AMD’s eight v8 core Seattle processor. The Cavium, AMD and Applied Micro v8-based processors are all due for sampling in Q4.
Hutton sees the server market as a 50 million unit a year opportunity and ARM aspires to a 5-10% market share by 2017. This year it expects a ‘single digit percentage’ share.
ARM’s physical IP division saw a 41% increase in licences in Q2. ARM is well up with the game. “We’re providing physical IP on 16nm, starting advanced product development on 10nm, and 7nm is in R&D,” says Hutton.
Physical IP is not a big business for ARM – it brought in about $35 million in Q2 revenues – but it’s a key implementer for ARM-based SOCs and all the major foundries take it. More than 100 licences have now been sold for ARM physical IP.
For more detail: ARM’s v8 gets 50 licences and is going for 100