Video Tutorials for Raspberry

Video Tutorials for Raspberry PI

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Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is an ultra low cost credit card sized computer developed by Raspberry Pi Foundation with an intention to teach computer programming to school students. You can setup a computer with your home TV under 60$. Please read the articleĀ Raspberry PiĀ for more details. You need the following items to get started with Raspberry Pi […]

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi 8 Relay Card with Raspberry Pi left and dual stacked with Pi

Stackable 8-relay add-on supports up to 64 relays per Raspberry Pi

Sequent Microsystemsā€™ ā€œRaspberry Pi 8-Relay Cardā€ provides 8x relays and can be stacked to enable 64 relays per Raspberry Pi for home automation applications such as smart sprinklers. Sequent Microsystems has gone to Kickstarter to launch a ā€œRaspberry Pi 8-Relay Card,ā€ a more-focused version of last fallā€™s successfully Kickstarted Raspberry Pi Mega-IO Expansion Card. The

Stackable 8-relay add-on supports up to 64 relays per Raspberry Pi Read More Ā»

Raspberry Pi Game Before we start

Raspberry Pi Game

Part 01 ā€“ Before we start In this series I intend to guide you through writing your first ever computer program. We will write our own game on the Raspberry Pi, which is a cheap-as-chips computer designed for learning about computers. Get a Raspberry Pi To follow along, hereā€™s what you will need: A Raspberry

Raspberry Pi Game

raspberry pi video tutorial lynda

Raspberry Pi Video Tutorial by Lynda

Up and Running with Raspberry Pi The Raspberry Pi is a small, cheap, single-board computer that opens a new door to computer exploration. Simple to use and program, it can be embedded in innovative projects and has been used to build Internet-connected dog treat dispensers, low-res plotters, cell phoneā€“operated coffeemakers, and a solar-powered computer. Preview:

Raspberry Pi Video Tutorial by Lynda