Complete tutorial for a raspberry pi beginners .

This instructable helps you to setup raspberry pi for the first time without hdmi monitor .By the end of this tutorial you can see the raspberry pi desktop screen from your server laptop.

difficulty level:- 1/5

Not required any technical knowledge

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Instructables: tutorial for a raspberry pi beginners.

Step 1: Requirements

  • software:-
  1. Raspbian image–934mb
  2. Putty—484kb
  3. DHCP Server–100kb
  4. Xming—-2.2mb
  5. Sd card formatter–6mb
  6. Windows Disk Imager–12mb
  • hardware:-
  1. A Raspberry Pi Model A/B/B+
  2. An Ethernet cable
  3. USB power cord
  4. PC with an Ethernet adapter (here i’m using windows 8 )
  5. SD card 8Gb with Adapter

Step 2: Preparing SD card

Download the SD formatter (link provided in step 1)

Place SD card in card reader and connect it to your PC.Open SD formatter , choose the SD card location and format it (before formatting make sure you choose format size adjustment ON in options).

Download the image file of the Raspbian (zip file)

Download and open Windows Disk imager then choose the raspbian image file (extract the zip file) and click write.It takes some time (keep calm and watch the progress bar).

Congrats!!! you have successfully done with the SD card ,now move forward to see ,how to boot the raspberry pi.

Step 3: Time to power up your raspberry pi !

Insert your SD card in the adapter and place it in the SD card slot of the PI.

Power up the raspberry pi with power cord. (make sure red led PWR in PI glows).

now get read to connect the PI with ethernet cable.

Step 4: Ethernet connection to PI !!

connect the pi with ethernet cable.

Setting Static IP address for Raspberry PI

open controlpanel > network and sharing center > change adapter settings >ethernet (it will be Local area network in win7)

properties of ethernet > choose the manual ip

change the ip and subnet mask as below .

ip: (usually IP address of pi is 192.168.X.Y)

Subnet mask:

check the ip config (you can skip this section):-

open cmd prompt and type “ipconfiig” and verify the ipv4 in ethernet section

double check the connection by pinging the network

type ping in cmd promptComplete tutorial for a raspberry pi beginners. schematic

Step 5: Creating server in PC

download dhcpsrv2.4

Refer the images for clear understanding.

Open “dhcpwiz”, choose the ethernet and click next (don’t change any supported protocols).

Change the ip-pool range from to 110 ,click the write INI file and tick the “overwrite the existing file”

check that the status of service is running and firewall exceptions is configured , if not check the admin option.

Finally tick the “run DHCP server immediately” option and click finish.

Now open “dhcpsrv” and click the “Continuous as tray app” (you can see the app running in the taskbar).

If raspberry pi is powered , disconnect the power connection and power up it again.

Wait till “assigning ip address to client b8.xx-xx-xx-xx-xx ” notification is displayed near the tray icon of the taskbar.

If you see the above statement , 85% of your job is complete 


For more detail: Complete tutorial for a raspberry pi beginners.

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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