ramanPi is looking for developers!!!
****If you have Python, pyQt4, matplotlib, signal processing, optics, raman spectroscopy or FPGA experience contact dev @ ramapi .org! Or go to dev . ramanPi . org and sign up to the developer forums!
What I want to do:
Build a Raman Spectrometer based on a Raspberry Pi, make it 3D Printable and customizable..
An open source 3D Printable Raman Spectrometer that uses a raspberryPi, a couple of arduino compatible ARM boards, a really bright laser and some parts you can grab from eBay, adafruit, sparkFun, Mouser, or wherever…!
1. Make it Open.. Everything.. All of it..
2. Make it 3D Printable.
3. Make it modular and easy to upgrade.
4. Make it as easy to build as possible.
5. Make it easy to customize and open to improvement.
6. Use only commonly available off the shelf components whenever possible.
7. Have a remote interface that will allow it to be controlled and viewed from anywhere.
8. Compare the spectra to the online internet spectral databases.
9. Provide the capability to log data to remote databases, share with friends and colleagues..
10. Not be just another open source spectrometer..
11. Make it easy to use and intuitive.
12. Make it attractive with an elegant design..
13. Make it useful and just cool to have!
My attempt and results
For the most current information, please visit http://hackaday.io/project/1279 I keep pretty detailed logs of my progress on that site.. Please let me know if you like it! I am a semi-finalist in the hackadayPrize!
Questions and next steps
Finish it and go to space!
Why I’m interested
Because Science!!!
Here’s the new ‘Semifinalist’ video…
There are some pictures below.. just a couple.. But there are a TON more and a LOT more information over at hackaday.io… http://hackaday.io/project/1279
Hackaday.com did a bio on me!! http://hackaday.com/2014/06/05/thp-hacker-bio-flc/
ST Micro gave me a shoutout on their Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/STM32/posts/814806288559756
I’ll be tweeting on gitHub updates as well as from here! http://twitter.com/flatCat_
The gitHub for this project http://github.com/flatcat1597 Email me at flatCat1597 at gmail……
And a quick youtube video overview… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zogGheok3Eg
Index of Instructions and Informational project logs: Information: controlBoard Schematic and Firmware http://hackaday.io/project/1279/log/9998
Information: powerControlBoard Schematic http://hackaday.io/project/1279/log/10112
Information: imagingBoard Schematic and Firmware http://hackaday.io/project/1279/log/9757
Information: interfaceBoard Schematic and Firmware http://hackaday.io/project/1279/log/10114
For more detail: ramanPi – The 3D Printable Raspberry Pi Raman Spectrometer