raspberry pi

Kali Linux Raspberry pi

Kali Linux Raspberry pi

Introduction The Raspberry Pi is a Mastercard measured single board PC created by the Raspberry Pi foundation. Since it sends off in 2012, it has become one of the most famous Mastercard estimated PCs on the planet because of its minimal expense and extensive variety of uses. While the Raspberry Pi can run many working

Kali Linux Raspberry pi

Assembled on Bread Board

Charlieplexing with the RaspberryPi

To combine our knowledge of hardware and software by implementing Charlieplexing on the Raspberry Pi as our project’s hardware. Control six LEDs in different sequences using the Raspberry Pi (GPIO) and the internet. Using the Apache and PHP servers installed on the Raspberry Pi for software-to-hardware communication. GPIO stands for General Purpose Input/Output and is

Charlieplexing with the RaspberryPi

IR remote

IR remote with Raspberry PI

Do you want to controls your TV, DVR and more using RaspberryPi? Story In this chapter I will explain how can we control a TV or almost everything that uses an infrared remote control using Raspberry. This is part of my Home Automation project. LIRCĀ is a software that allows you to decode and send infra-red

IR remote with Raspberry PI

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