Whether you’re interested in robotics, marketing, data science, or even music production, here are six best-selling courses that will get you the skills you need to hit your goals in 2019.
A new year is finally upon us, and that means you have a limitless number of possibilities when it comes to starting or furthering a remarkable career.
Whether you’re interested in robotics, marketing, data science, or even music production, here are six best-selling courses that will get you the skills you need to hit your goals in 2019.
1. eLearnExcel Microsoft Excel Certification School – MSRP $999, Sale Price $39
Practically anyone who’s worked in an office at some point over the past three decades has used Microsoft Excel—that ubiquitous number-crunching powerhouse that’s used as fuel for a company’s financial growth.
But if you want to be competitive in a world that’s increasingly driven by numbers and analysis, you need more than just a baseline understanding of this program to succeed.
With over eight modules that cover everything from Excel’s most fundamental aspects to its most advanced tricks and tools, this extensive training will show you how to solve complex problems using algorithms, build advanced spreadsheets and presentations, and more.
2. The Complete Raspberry Pi Course Bundle – MSRP $299.98, Sale Price $19
Nothing embodies the Internet of Things revolution like Raspberry Pi—an extremely powerful and versatile open-source electronics platform that allows you to build everything from home automation systems to full-fledged robots.
With ten hours of training and over 180 lessons led by engineering pros, this training bundle will teach you how to integrate your projects with Amazon Alexa, how to create a customized gaming system, how to add a variety of sensors to your projects, and more.
3. Insta6gram Master Class 2018 – MSRP $199.99, Sale Price $11.99
It should come as no surprise that knowing how to manipulate Instagram’s algorithms is essential if you want to grow virtually any brand or business online.
This masterclass will help you grow from zero to 40,000 followers in just four months, through 22-hours of instruction that teaches you how to do everything from setting up an account to how to create better stories that engage with more users and drive clicks to your page.
4. Arduino Uno Ultimate Starter Kit & Course Bundle – MSRP $354.96, Sale Price $51.99
Much like Raspberry Pi, Arduino allows both beginner and experienced engineers to build a wide range of exciting engineering projects from scratch in the comfort of their own home.
With over 16 hours of training, this educational bundle shows you how to work with the included Vilros Uno control board to create a virtually limitless number of gadgets, robots, and automation systems.
5. Cover Letter Mastery To Get The Job You Want – MSRP $199, Sale Price $9.99
Having the right skills is, of course, essential if you want to be successful in your field, but they’re practically meaningless if you don’t know how to promote yourself and your knowledge.
With detailed lessons led by an experienced business communication professor, this course shows you how to write the perfect cover letter that will grab the attention of hiring agents.
You’ll learn how to choose your opening line, pick the most relevant and important details to include in the letter’s body, write clearly and effectively, and more.
6. Ableton Music Production Mastery Bundle – MSRP $1393, Sale Price $29
When it comes to music production, Ableton reigns supreme. Used by some of the world’s leading artists working in an endless number of genres and styles, Ableton is behind some of the biggest hits of the past decade.
Regardless of your experience in the world of music production, this master bundle will teach you how to turn your creative visions into a reality, through seven courses that show you how to record and edit everything from guitars and basses to synthesizers and samples.
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