Cubibot is an affordable, user-friendly, high-quality 3D printer with a compact and dynamic design made to fit your lifestyle. Cubibot balances functionality and ease of use without compromising features. Matching the performance and quality of expensive, professional 3D printers at an affordable cost, Cubibot enables you to realize all your imaginations!
Thank you all for helping us reach $500,000. Our next goal is $750,000. Help us get therefor this great package 🙂 ! You can add to your pledge now and use it as credit when you receive the survey!
Most 3D printers with the features of Cubibot are out of the price range for most consumers. We wanted to change this reality. That’s why we created an easy-to-use, durable 3D printer that is even affordable for students. Cubibot’s features include:
We designed Cubibot with the goal of creating a new standard in the industry for a true consumer 3D Printer. With greater capabilities than other machines costing several times more, the Cubibot 3D printer is as impressive as it is unique. It is truly the new industry standard for true consumer 3D printers!
Cubibot’s compact, modern design and its filtered ventilation make it a perfect high quality 3D printer for any home or office…no need to hide your 3D Printer in the garage! Cubibot’s professional features make it a useful tool for professionals while the ease of use through the plug and print features make 3D printing accessible for hobbyists, students and newbies alike. Cubibot is a 3D Printer that will be fun and beneficial for everyone!
We designed and engineered all of Cubibot’s components from scratch in order to create a high-quality printer at a lower price point. Tested for accuracy and designed for efficiency, Cubibot leads the pack when it comes to quality.
Read more: Cubibot: New affortable 3D Printer