The ESP8266 has taken the maker community by storm and the hype is well deserved. Before the ESP we had the HopeRF ISM radio RFM12 and its successor RFM69. So is the ESP8266 an RFM69 killer? I would say no. Hell no even ? The RFM69 is still very well suited for certain applications and the ESP8266 will not run for 2+ years on a set of AA batteries. The two can however play nicely together as a low cost ISM/wifi bridge. I did a custom PCB for this in the shape of a somewhat large USB stick, dubbed āEspismā.
Currently it works as an ISM sniffer posting the received packets on the MQTT topic espism-<macaddr>. Packets are posted inĀ hex followed by the RSSI value:
A set of four LEDs indicate received packets. Well three LEDs as I made a mistake on the ground plane. The MQTT server IP and RFM69 network information is hard coded into the binary.
I ported Andreas HeĆlingās STM32 RFM driverĀ to the lovely ESP Open RTOS, my swiss army knife for ESP8266 development. The type-A right angle 90 degreee USB connectorĀ and 3x6x2.5mm push button can be found for little money on eBay. The push button currently serves no purpose but the plan is to perform a āmaster resetā of the device using this button. The rest of the BOM consists of 0603 resistors and capacitors, an LM1117 3.3V regulator and a SOT23 P-mosfet for driving the 0603 LEDs. Oh, and the ESP12F talking toĀ an RFM69CW. The BOM should add up to about the price of lunch.
For more details: Bridging ISM radio and wifi for lunch money