Fixing Crazyradio USB Bootloader with a Raspberry pi


Crazyradio is an open-source 2.4GHz radio dongle originally intended for communicating with Crazyflie. Being open-source it is designed to be hacked, enhanced for its designed purpose and modified for other.

There is one trick though: the way the Crazyradio USB bootloader is setup is not safe against bugged firmware: the bootloader is launched by the firmware so if the firmware is bugged or damaged launching the bootloader might become impossible.fixing crazyradio usb bootloader with a raspberry pi

The solution is then to have an SPI programmer, this article describe how to use your Raspberry Pi as an SPI programmer to recover the USB bootloader. This allows to work with the Crazyradio without the fear of locking it up.

Preparing your Raspberry Pi

This has been tested on both Raspberry Pi 2 and 3. The pin used where present on all Raspberry Pis, including the first one, so it should work on Raspberry Pi 1 as well but it has not been tested.

You need to run a recent version of raspian (at least newer than December 2016). To clone the project, run the flashing script and the bootloader script, some additional packages are needed. You can install them by running the following in a console:

$ sudo apt-get install git python-usb

Cabling the Crazyradio and Raspberry pi

The Crazyradio expansion port needs to be fitted with a 2×5 Pin connector and connected to the Raspberry Pi expansion connector.

The default cabling is described at the beginning of the programming script:

# Script setup. Use this as a documentation to cable the Crazyradio or modify
# if you want to cable it differently.
# Name   Pin on raspi     Pin on Crazyradio
GND   =   6              # 9
RESET =   3              # 3
PROG  =   5              # 2
SCK   =   7              # 4
MOSI  =   8              # 6
MISO  =   10             # 8
CS    =   12             # 10

The pin number on both the Crazyradio and the Raspberry Pi correspond to the physical number on the connector.

The Crazyradio should be powered, either using the expansion port VDD pin (1) or by connecting it to a USB port. When using the Raspberry Pi connector the setup looks like that:fixing crazyradio usb bootloader with a raspberry pi

Running the script

The script is located in the Crazyradio github repos in the fix_bootloader folder. You will need to clone this repos in your Raspberry Pi and run the script.


For more detail: Fixing Crazyradio USB Bootloader with a Raspberry pi

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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