IT – RaspberryPI alarm clock

Hello guys

In this instructable i’ll show an alarm clock project based on RaspberryPi and GrovePi+ Starter Kit.

Its name is “IT”, that’s the shortening of “It’s Time”. Version instructabled is 1.3, youtube video shows 1.0 .

It’s a standard alarm clock that can be configured at your pleasure.

Once you have completed this project, you’ll never need: keyboard, monitor, remote controllers, etc to configure current time and alarm time setting. You have just to press the button and turn the knob to set alarm time data. Current time is taken from a wifi connection but you can customize with a RTC module.

Feature that i love is that, once you have selected your preferred alarm time, the clock doesn’t loose alarm time dates in case of power failure.

Last but not least display shows current temperature and humidity. LCD backlight decreases proportionally with the ambient light.

The enclosure selected is a Tupperware pasta box. It’s very hard to cut so try to find something of poor quality.IT - RaspberryPI alarm clock

Step 1: What you need


  • Raspberry Pi mod.B
  • 5V power supply
  • WIFI dongle or RTC module
  • GrovePi+
  • Grove – Temperature&Humidity
  • Grove – LCD RGB Backlight
  • Grove – Buzzer
  • Grove – Light sensor
  • Grove – Button
  • Grove – Rotary angle sensor
  • Grove – Led
  • Enclosure box
  • Knob


  • Screws
  • Double-side adhesive tape
  • Rubber washer (hole diameter 1.2 mm, highness approx 0.6 mm)
  • n.4 rubber or plastic supports
  • Glue for rubber and plastic
  • felt pad


  • screwdriver
  • cutter
  • file
  • candle
  • grip
  • drill

For this project i’ve used sensors of GrovePi+ starter kit :…

The enclosure box can be something like this:…

Step 2: Let’s start

Connect GrovePi+ to Raspberry and connect sensors as follow:

  • lcd display to I2C-1
  • rotary sensor to A1
  • button to D3
  • buzzer to D2
  • DHT to D4
  • light sensor to A0
  • connect led to D6

Download Dexter Ind. modified “wheezy” image from the following locations (*):…

and copy to your SD card.

Insert SD card into Raspberry Pi and power on.

Expand to the full size of your SD card running the command:

sudo raspi-config

You can update your configuration:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

create two empty text files in your /home/pi directory as follow:

touch sveglia.txt

touch onoff.txt

copy in your /home/pi directory the file grove_rgb_lcd.pyc

It can be found inside directory ./pi/Desktop/GrovePi/Software/Python/grove_rgb_lcd

(*) My Raspbian version downloaded: Linux raspberrypi 3.18.7+ #755

Step 3: The code

copy file inside directory:


now you can try it running:

sudo python

if everything it’s ok, autostart the process as follow:

sudo crontab -e

add, at the end, the following line:
@reboot sudo python /home/pi/itstime.pyIT - RaspberryPI alarm clock schematic

Step 4: Cutting the box

Draw on the plastix box shapes for LCD display and button.

Then use cutter after heating it(be careful!) to cut.

Step 5: Drilling the box

With a drill make three holes. First one at the right side of LCD display and its diameter must be 6-7 mm for rotary angle sensor size.

Make other two holes on the back side of the box, one for the power cable and one for the sensor cables. For an easy fitting of these cables, make two cuts from the edge to the holes.


For more detail: IT – RaspberryPI alarm clock

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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