A new Raspberry Pi project has been published to the Hackster.io website by WDelenclos this week providing an intermediate skill level tutorial which should take just over a day to complete. Using a Raspberry Pi 4 mini PC together with the official Raspberry Pi OS, Python 3 and a GY-91 ir a MPU-9250 and BMP280 combination equivalent.
A little project to create an API with a GY-91 multi-sensor module that includes MPU9250 BMP280 modules with. This project is also compatible with the BMP280 module. But this project includes only the GY-91 shematic. Connect sensor through the GPIO. There is a very little manipulation to connect 4 pins of the sensor on the GPIO. 3v3 is for 3.3v power, got to 3V3POWER[Pin 1] , GND is for ground go to GROUND[Pin 6], SCL is for the clock bus I2C go to Pin 5, SDA, data bus IDC go to Pin 3.
The bme280 module is in the core of the program. It request BME datas on the GY-91 module and assign them on three variables with this instruction : temperature, pression, humidite = bme280.readBME280All().”
For the complete tutorial jump over to the Hackster.io website by following the link below.