Setting up Raspberry Pi using SSH

So you just bought a Raspberry Pi (RPi) because you heard of it and you want to figure out what you can do with it ( like I did some time ago ).

But now you have it you are watching ad it and asking yourself ā€œwhat do I do next?ā€.

in the beginning I found It quite difficult to set the RPi up but now I have done it a couple a times I would like to share with you how I do it now and I will also let you download some useful programs, so lets get to it.

material list:

  • Raspberry Pi ( I tested this with a model B 2 and a model B but it should also work with other versions).
  • SD card of at least 4 GB that fits in the SD card slot of your RPi.
  • A Ethernet cable (to connect your RPi to the Router.
  • A power supply for the RPi.
  • Access to a router ( can be your home router ).
  • A PC connected to the router ( I assume you use Windows, but can be any as long as you know how to use it)

I assume you have all this lying around, ready to be used.Setting up Raspberry Pi using SSH

Step 1: Downloading programs

Download the following programs:

  1. SDFormatter
  2. Win32 Disk Imager
  3. Advanced IP scanner
  4. Putty ( just download PuTTY.exe)
  5. the latest version of Raspian download the ZIP file

Step 2: Formatting SD card

Now we will give the SD card a ā€œresetā€ and clean it.

make sure that there is nothing on the SD card that you dont want to lose

open SDFormater and select the correct card ( check it is, otherwise bad things happen, I take no responsibility for what happens if it goes wrong). then press ā€œFormatā€.

when its done close the program and go to the next step

Step 3: Writing a image to the SD card

The RPi uses an SD card as its Hard drive ( like your PC has a harddrive).

what were doing now is setting up an Operating System (OS) on the SD card.

The OS is a piece of software that interacts between the hardware and the programs of the PC ( or RPi ).

the goal of a OS is interacting between the software and the hardware, so you can play your favorite game on almost any windows PC and not just on 1 PC with a specific motherboard, mouse, graphic card, etc.

to write a OS to the SD card extract the .img file to a folder on your PC.

Then open Win32DIskImager and under ā€œImage Fileā€ browse for the .img file you just extracted also under ā€œdeviceā€ select the right drive (check it is otherwis terrible things happen and again I take no responsibility for what happens) .

then press ā€œWriteā€ and it will be busy for a while, after its done close the programSetting up Raspberry Pi using SSH schematic

Step 4: Connecting the Raspberry Pi

In the previous steps you have written an OS to the SD card now you can put the SD card in your RPi.

then connect the ethernet cable to your router and then to your RPi after this is done you can connect the power to your RPi

Step 5: Finding the IP address

To make a SSH connection you first need to know its IP address, to figure this out I use advanced IP scanner.

open advanced IP scanner and press ā€œscanā€ you should see a PC called ā€œraspberry pi foundationā€ thatā€™s your RPi.

copy the IP address of the RPi.


For more detail: Setting up Raspberry Pi using SSH

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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