LCD Projects

Make any Dumb TV a Smart TV

Make any Dumb TV a Smart TV

Do you wish your standard television could connect to the internet? You would have the ability to stream Netflix, Hulu, or look up anything on Google when your cell phone is out of reach. All of your music and movie files could automatically be linked to your television. Buying a brand new smart TV is

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Portable Raspberry Pi V4

Portable Raspberry Pi (V4)

The Raspberry Pi. Its a $35 computer the size of a credit card. Being very small, its great for its portability. However, this is usually the problem as it is hard to make it portable. Over the past year and a half, I have worked with my friend (KM4BLG) to create a portable raspberry pi.

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Programmable Thermostat with the Raspberry Pi

Programmable Thermostat with the Raspberry Pi

Required hardware: Raspberry Pi model B Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensor Relay board Push button LCD display (Nokia 5110-3310) Edimax WiFi nano USB adapter Software installation Some packages are required from the standard Raspbian repository: apt-get install python-dev apt-get install python-imaging We need also PIP (a Python package installer which uses the Python Package Index repository)

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Smart Letterbox

Smart Letterbox

The Smart Letterbox is a device that serves the same purpose as a traditional mailbox, only here it is done in a user-friendly way. And all of this with just a few sensors and an LCD display! First of all, you don’t have to check your mailbox every day yourself, the Letterbox does it for

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